Cyber Security is one of the most prominent threats facing our modern day society. From common-place phishing attacks to widespread data breaches, its effects are widespread and deeply impactful. It's important that there exist people to help combat this ever increasing threat.

Our purpose

We are dedicated to building the best cyber security competition squad in the world... An elite band of hackers who can take on any challenge and effectively find, exploit and mitigate vulnerabilities in today's ever evolving cyber space.


We host weekly get togethers on Wednesday nights from 6.00pm in General Purpose South, room 78-209. Come for technical talks, practice challenges, and a great community. On the Discord, you'll also find out our online backup plans if events get rained out or pandemicked out.

Need to know?

Nothing! We have a range of experience levels, from the never-touched-a-terminal, to the OSCP qualified, and beyond. We learn together, practice together, and compete together - collaboration is key to growth.